I’m a human passionate about helping people find the power and healing in being themselves.
For most of my life I tried to fit into a rigid box of perfection: good grades, star athlete, finance job, in style clothes, Sunday brunches, curated Instagram pics, trendy workouts to stay fit, all the diets, you name it…
It wasn’t until I was 25 when all of the above got me sick.
Sick to the point where doctors thought I had pituitary tumors because my hormones were out of wack, unexplainable weight gain, crazy acne, horrible digestion pain, and serious anxiety.
I work with people privately, through 1:1 BREATHWORK
or 1:1 COACHING, and in GROUPS — to give people (YOU) the space to unravel and unbox yourself from all the perfection and all the fixing.
It wasn’t until I went to acting school (after quitting my corporate job to pursue a dream) did I realize I had been a nail hammered down. When I got to acting school I saw a group of individuals. Repeat. Individuals. Unique individuals. Think 100 nails sticking out on their own.
Here is when I truly learned holy sh*t who am I?!?
This is when everything began to change. I repeat everything. The simple act of letting myself be a nail standing on my own changed everything.
The rest of the story is pretty long, but what I will leave you all with here on this “about me” page is I know when you unleash your unique individual self, your life will change in front of your eyes.